Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The End

Yes, The Dressmaker's Dilemma is finished.
This time of year isn't a good time to try to finish something as complicated as a book. It took me almost a week to write the love scene. It really drained me. (Hey, get your mind out of the gutter there.)
My husband doesn't understand how something you do while sitting down, in a chair,  for hours is tiring. I just shake my head and ignore him. How do you explain that to a non-writer?
Some books come so easy. They almost finish themselves. Others fight me from page fifty or so usually, and I really have to struggle to get them done. (I'm thinking that's why I have four unfinished books sitting on my hard drive. I pull them out and work on them when my current characters are giving me a hard time.)
While writing The Dressmaker's Dilemma, I was also writing another book for a different publishers. I can only do this because the two books are so different. (The other one is sweeter, closing the bedroom door type of thing.) I'm finishing this one now.
But no matter what type of book it is, everyone can get inspiration from this and this.
Thanks Ella and Lacey.
Oh, and don't forget about the holiday blog tour and scavenger hunt. You know you like winning stuff.
Or the release day party on the 19 for Ella Jade and Lacey Wolfe. After all the two did give us all that lovely inspiration.
Hope you all have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting the book finished and at this time of year. Happy Holidays!
