Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Visit Alcatraz with Jaye!

Fog and a Ghost Prison      

For most of 2012, I spent every other day driving across the foggy Bay Bridge to school. San Francisco is a unique city. Blue sky is always with us, bbut only those who freed by the thick fog get to enjoy it. But I love that.

I love seeing the thick line of haze seperate two a big, azure sky in half. I loved driving to SFSU and seeing Alcatraz, the infamous prison, clear as day while a thick fog just above it obscures a line of sky from view. I couldn't help but think, what if that fog marked a portal to other realms? What if it hid it from the human eye?

Secrets of the Fog was born.

Alcatraz, the island prison, was home to many famous inmates. The Birdman, Machine Gun Kelley and Al Capone called the San Francisco penitentary home for a while. Al Capone even managed to trade up his cell for a sunset, bay view.
There were no live escapes...That they know of.
 Several inmates did dissaapear from the island, but were never found. It was assumed the cold, choppy bay claimed their bodies, rendering them punished for their crimes. But perhaps they didn't die. Perhaps those inmates didn't dive into the bay. Maybe, just maybe they dissapeared into the portal I mentioned in Secrets of the Fog.

And now, a little bit about my Oct. 2012 release...
Secrets of the Fog
Available Oct. 29th, 2012
When the dryad Tera’s friends inform her that the portal on Alcatraz Island is buzzing with an arrival, she thinks her goddess mother has come to visit. When Tera arrives at the portal to welcome her, she doesn’t find her mother, she finds a gigantic otherworldly warrior causing mass destruction among the San Francisco tourists. Being a forest dryad born from the Goddess of the Hunt has its perks, and kicking ass is one of them.

Sabin is six-feet-six of hard-bodied soldier, used to subduing demons twice his size. One day after chasing an elusive smoke demon through a portal into the human realm, Sabin is brought to his knees by a beautiful woman, literally. After arriving at a pier full of dead bodies, Tera issues a passionate smack-down before Sabin can explain that he’s the good guy.

He’s just in time: an an ancient grudge has come to life. Eris, the Goddess of Chaos, has held a bitter hatred for Tera’s mother, Artemis, for over 400 years – and now she’s ready to destroy all dryads – including Tera.
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. I hope that some day you'll have a chance to visit this fair city and experience the magic of the fog. Until then, mark your calendars to live vicariously by reading Secrets of the Fog, up for pre-order now and out October, 29th, 2012!

About  Jaye:

Born and raised in the grunge capitol, she took her love of music and poetry from the Pacific Northwest to California. Now Ishe lives in Alameda, a quaint island town in the Bay Area. With a degree in Anthropology with an emphasis in Archaeology, she's just itching to climb some more pyramids. When not writing, she's either working at the day job or taking long walks along the Alameda beach, gazing at the the outline of San Francisco in the distance. Oh yes, and let's all go to Paris...


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