Monday, October 8, 2012

Dream a Little Dream

I always dream about my stories. Nearly every night I go to sleep thinking of where the characters will direct me on the next chapter of their lives, and I know this is the reasoning behind my dreams.
But a little over a week ago, something different happened. I woke with a clear visual of people I had to write about. I knew their names, their occupations, where they lived, how long the couple had been together and what obstacles they would encounter to test the strength of their relationship. It blew my mind.

“You will never believe this,” I texted to my sister, my mom, and a good friend, informing them all with excitement and awe about the clarity. Each one responded by telling me to get my butt to the laptop. Lol!

Thank goodness I was off work and able to attack the keyboard with my first cup of coffee because with this story, I was urgent to put into words before it escaped me.

I’m not a plotter. I’ve tried and found that no matter what I plan, my characters have their own mind. Whatever the struggle…they always win, going their own way, doing their own thing and I am nothing but an outlet for their lives to be known.

That being said, for this story, I’ve taken another shot at outlining, and I’m pretty certain that by the time I finish, it will be a full length novel…a racy, pushing the limits of love, sex fest that I can’t wait to finish. Fingers crossed people!

With several projects going it will take longer to complete than I want but I can’t just work on one thing either. Which is an entirely different issue. Ha!
Is anyone else inspired by their dreams?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sidda - lovely post - what a gift to receive in your sleep! I have been totally inspired by dreams too - and like you have several projects on the go at once! Good luck with the novel - sounds exciting! x
