Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday Tip - The Last Week of School Survival

Today's tips - How to Survive The End of the School Year Rush.

These tips are coming as I'm trying to get through it.

Tip 1 - Don't make any plans or even think you got it organized. You don't. Last minute school activities will come up. The kids will forget to tell you about at least one of them until that morning. Oh yes, that happened already this week.

Tip 2 - Don't think you'll get to relax before the kids get out. Sleep all day, bask in a quiet house to prepare yourself for the storm of children ahead. No, you'll find you're needed for this event, that ceremony, this party almost everyday on the week that leads up to---the end.

Tip 3 - Don't moan and groan about it. Once you're there, you'll have fun making these memories with your kids.

And finally, tip 4 - Be prepared for your kids to stop at nothing to convince you that they need to go home early with you. Even with the last day within sight, it's almost like their as desperate to be home with you, as you are for the nice relaxing day you had dreamed of.

Might as well plan for that relaxing day for the second day of the school  year. Because let's face it, day 1...brings a whole set of other excitement.


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