I've never done NaNoWriMo before and this year I did for my first time. And I won! Yay! What a great feeling. Its so rewarding for your word count ticker to turn purple and say Winner! Yes, I know, I didn't really get a prize...or did I? I got two stories done! Wanted:Wife which has been accepted by the fabulous Beachwalk Press and another short novella that's not really doing anything at the moment.
After NaNo, I took a two week vacation! I wish I could report I went to a topical island and had hot cabana boys serving me fruity drinks, but I'm afraid I can't. Instead I organized and cleaned my heart out. And I had a few very lazy days where I sat on the couch and watched TV. My two weeks is up. (I finished NaNo early) That means I can write again. I won't be doing it full-time. I still have a big to-do list to accomplish since I had those lazy days. But, I will allow myself a little writing time if I want before the kids are on break and no writing what so ever will happen.
I'll be back on 12/24 (Christmas Eve)--if the world doesn't end before then. ;) Happy Holidays!
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