Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Jaye in Outside Lands, SF

Many people argue that Outside Lands, a 3-day art and music fest in SF is not as cool as Coachella in SoCal. Let's just say that Outside Lands is for the brave who dare face Golden Gate Park's 30-degree temperature difference from the rest of the bay. Those that did this year would be rewarded with Metallica, Neil Young, Jack White, Franze Ferdinand, Nora Jones, Regina Spector, the list goes on. The month of August sees the thickest fog, especially in Golden Gate Park, and therefore, the barely clad women on Day 1 had quite the rude, and freezing, awakening. I myself was wearing an itsy-bitsy dress, but guess what, I brought sweats and sweater in my purse. ;) Take that Bay Area weather!

My compadre and I went from this

Reasons to brave the cold...
My #1 reason for going was Jack White. *Bows down* That being said, Metallica was super awesome. I was about ten feet from the stage (depending on how far the various mosh pits threw me) and was rewarded with a kick-ass show. Incredible pyrotechnics and explosions, fireworks, laser shows, and of course, jamming instrumentals that had the crowd pumped. Metallica gets five flaming stars in my book :D

Foo Fighters also gave a great show. At one point, Dave G. even dissapeared from the stage and ended up halfway through the crowd, climbing on the speaker tower to continue the rest of his riff. So cool.

I love Nora Jones, but live, she was a
Regina Spector was much better live, but her hour-long set was probably the longest hour of my life because I was waiting for Jack White. Argh. I wanted to shoot off my foot. Just bring Jack White!!!

I fought my way as close to the stage as possible until finally I was about 15 feet away. :/ Not as close as I'd hoped, but still in front of thousands of people. All my pics were blurry (due to headbanging) but I got some awesome vids. Unfortunately, I think they are too long to post :/

All in alol. Damn good time. Love you Jack!


  1. Wish I woulda been there!!! Sounds like a blast!

  2. Looks and sounds like it was a blast!

  3. OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!! Jaye!!! IT'S JACK WHITE! On YOUR CAMERA!!!! I'm about to do a good old fashioned SWWWWOOOOOOOONNNN x x x
