Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Good News Tuesday

Welcome to the first Good News Tuesday. In 2015 we'll be hosting this event on the first Tuesday of each month. We want to hear YOUR good news. So leave us a comment, telling us your news. Did you get a good grade at school? A new baby? Even a book contract. Anything that's happened to you and you want to share the news.

We look forward to reading your news!

This month's giveaway is an eBook of your choice from Lacey Wolfe and a signed swag pack! Just leave a comment this month on as many posts as you'd like to be entered!


  1. The kids are back to school and I can return to writing. That's always good news. :)

  2. Eldest son got conditional acceptances of all the universities he applied for :-)

  3. Huge congrats to him, Tracey! And yes, Lacey, that's always good news!

  4. I finished a short story for an anthology three weeks ahead of schedule ;)
